1.Proper Binary tree/Strict Binary tree/Full binary tree
Def-Either two or no children for each nodes
Important property of Proper /full /strict binary tree
>>Maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height 2^(h+1) -1
>>Strictly binary tree with n leaves always contain — 2n-1
>>Maximum number of nodes at any level ‘L’ in a binary tree-2^L
2.Complete Binary Tree
Def-All internal nodes are completely filled except for the nodes at the last level.
,the nodes must be filled from as left as possible
>>Max number of nodes present in a complete BT of a height 2^(h+1) -1
>>Min number of nodes present in a complete BT of a height 2^h
>>Max number of nodes present in a complete BT of a height 2^(h+1) -1
3.Perfect binary tree
Def-Each of its nodes has strictly 2 children and all its nodes at the same level
>>Same as above
4.Degenerate Binary tree
Def-All its internal nodes have strictly one child node except for the leaf node
5.Balanced Binary Tree
Def-The height of the left and right subtree for each node differ by at most 1.
example avl tree , red black tree;